Tuesday, March 30, 2010

XStream Tap featured by Apple in "New and Noteworthy" Games!

XStream Tap featured by Apple in "New and Noteworthy" Games!  WOW! Check it out!
 (PS-> OpenFeint integration COMING SOON!)


  1. Hi Calanoa!

    I was greatly impressed with XStream Tap.  It's a complete sensory joy to play!

    I compose and produce music and sound effects for animation, games, film, tv, audiobooks, and iPhone applications.  I've provided a link to my online portfolio:


    Are you ever looking for original music, sound design/effects, or audio editing for your productions?

    I work remotely or on location.  I am also affiliated and have access to recording studios in a variety of locations.

    Nice job on all your application development so far!  I would love to be involved with future apps as well as updates of current software.

    Hope to hear from you soon.


    Mike Weiser

    p.s. The popular iPhone application, StickWars, includes my composition for in-game music!  Macworld awarded Ramp Champ the "Best Designed Game" of 2009.  I composed music for the Plunderin' Pirates and Star Struck ramps!

  2. Thanks for the "XStream Tap" kudos, Mike. We'll keep your info handy. Great work on Stick Wars, by the way!

  3. Really great game! It is so much fun. Congrats on the Apple feature.
